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Critics say the references are dangerous, diminishing the experience of sexual assault survivors and smearing the LGBTQ community, which has long faced a false stigma regarding inappropriate behavior with children. Now, however, some conservatives are using such terms as 'grooming,' 'groomer' and 'pro-pedophile' against opponents in battles over everything from laws restricting discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in schools to Supreme Court confirmations. The term, coined in the 1980s, describes a process used to gain access to a potential victim, coerce them to agree to the abuse and reduce the risk of being caught, according to RAINN, a national anti-sexual violence organization. Grooming, a term associated with adults who sexually abuse children, has become an attack word in today’s battle over anti-LGBTQ legislation and is spilling out into the broader culture wars. Careless use of words connected to child sex abuse diminishes the experience of survivors, advocates say.Such rhetoric hurts the LGBTQ people, particularly gay men who have long been accused of predatory behavior.Some conservatives have begun using words like 'grooming' often associated with child sex abuse.

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